FCTC Article 12

From TobaccoUnmasked

Article 12 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommends measures for Education, communication, training and public awareness of tobacco control issues through all available communication tools[1]

Guiding Principles[1]

According to the treaty each Party shall promote and strengthen awareness of tobacco control issues, using all available communication tools, as appropriate.

  • Public awareness programmes on the health risks including addictiveness when using tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke;
  • Public awareness about the health risks of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, and about the benefits of quitting tobacco use and tobacco-free lifestyles as specified in Article 14.2;
  • Public access to a wide range of information on the tobacco industry and in accordance with national law;
  • Effective and appropriate training and awareness programmes on tobacco control to persons such as health workers, community workers, social workers, media professionals, educators, decision-makers, administrators and other concerned persons;
  • Awareness and participation of public and private agencies and nongovernmental organizations not affiliated with the tobacco industry in developing and implementing collaborative programmes and strategies for tobacco control; and
  • Public awareness of and access to information regarding the adverse health, economic, and environmental consequences caused by tobacco production and consumption.


Tobacco control mass media campaigns are effective in preventing and reducing tobacco use, but there are limited studies of the cost-effectiveness of mass media campaigns in low- and middle-income countries[1]


Three recent campaigns were conducted in China, India and Vietnam for cost-effectiveness of mass media campaigns in tobacco control. In each country, campaign impact was assessed through nationally representative, post-campaign household surveys using standard statistical methodology to determine campaign-attributable changes in the public’s tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Survey results and campaign expenditure data were then analyzed to identify costs associated with these changes and calculate cost-effectiveness ratios. Preliminary analyses indicate that being aware of the campaign was associated with increased quit attempts among tobacco users in all three countries[2]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 World Health Organization. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2005, accessed March 2017
  2. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015.World Health Organization, 2015, accessed March, 2017