FCTC Article 14

From TobaccoUnmasked

Article 14 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommends measures to reduce demand for tobacco.[1] Article 14 concerns about reducing tobacco dependence and termination, through;[1]

  • counselling and psychological support
  • nicotine replacement
  • education programs

Guiding Principles[1]

1. Parties are required to develop and disseminate national guidelines on quitting tobacco use and are encouraged to establish sustainable infrastructure for such services. 2. Each Party should:

  • design and implement effective programs aimed at promoting quitting tobacco use, in locations such as educational institutions, health care facilities, workplaces and sporting environments with the participation of health workers, community workers and social workers;
  • include sections on diagnosis and treatment of tobacco dependence and counselling services on quitting tobacco in national health and education programs, plans and strategies.
  • establish programs for diagnosing, counselling, preventing and treating tobacco dependence in health care facilities and rehabilitation centres.
  • facilitate accessibility and affordability for treatment of tobacco dependence in collaboration with other Parties.


Treatment of tobacco use and dependence is a key component of comprehensive tobacco control strategy. Tobacco dependence treatment is also essential in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).[1]


In 2013 WHO published a training package to strengthen health systems for treating tobacco dependence in primary care, focusing on integration of basic cessation advice into the primary care services. It was to help countries in providing comprehensive tobacco dependence treatment for all tobacco users. WHO recommends that countries use this to build capacities to deliver brief tobacco interventions in primary care settings.[2]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 World Health Organization. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2005, accessed March 2017
  2. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015.World Health Organization, 2015, accessed March, 2017